Comparison between Insta 360 Ace Pro and DJI Osmo Action 4

Published on Dec 6, 2023 by

Comparison between Insta 360 Ace Pro and DJI Osmo Action 4

In the ever-evolving world of action cameras, two titans stand out for their cutting-edge features and outstanding performance: the Insta 360 Ace Pro and the DJI Osmo Action 4. Our article dives deep into the heart of these technological marvels, comparing their stabilization, low light capabilities, unique features like Horizon Steady and AI enhancements, and much more. Whether you’re a professional videographer or an adventure enthusiast, understanding the nuances of these cameras can transform your visual storytelling. Join us as we dissect and contrast their capabilities, helping you make an informed choice in your quest for the perfect action camera.

Insta 360 Ace Pro and the DJI Osmo Action 4 Stabilization Test

When it comes to capturing stable footage, both the Insta 360 and the DJI cameras offer effective stabilization features. This means that no matter how shaky your hands might be or how much movement is happening in your surroundings, you can trust both of these cameras to deliver smooth and steady visuals.

However, there are some differences in the way each camera tackles stabilization. The Insta 360 Ace Pro tends to use a cropped frame to achieve stabilization, meaning that the resulting footage might have a slightly narrower field of view than the original shot. While this can be a minor inconvenience, it’s important to note that the overall stability of the footage is not compromised.

On the other hand, the DJI Osmo Action 4 camera offers stabilization that is not only effective but also provides smoother visuals. The footage captured by the DJI camera has a warmth to it, adding an extra touch of visual appeal to the videos. This warmer tone can create a more inviting and immersive experience for the viewer.

Insta 360 Ace Pro and the DJI Osmo Action 4 Stabilization

Another aspect to consider is the exposure challenges that the Insta 360 Ace Pro camera can sometimes face. While it does a decent job in most scenarios, there might be situations where the exposure levels are not perfectly balanced. This can result in overexposure or underexposure in certain parts of the video. It’s worth noting that these challenges are not deal-breakers and can be corrected during the post-processing stage.

In summary, both the Insta 360 and DJI cameras offer effective stabilization, ensuring that your footage remains steady and shake-free. However, if you prioritize smoother visuals with a warmer tone, the DJI camera might be the better option for you. On the other hand, if you are willing to deal with occasional exposure challenges and prefer a wider field of view, the Insta 360 camera can still deliver impressive results.

Low Light Stabilization

When it comes to capturing moments in low light conditions, having a camera that can deliver exceptional performance is of utmost importance. In this regard, two prominent camera brands that are often compared are Insta 360 and DJI.

Insta 360 Ace Pro

Insta 360 Ace Pro has proven to be a frontrunner when it comes to low-light stabilization. With well-illuminated surroundings, this camera outperforms DJI by capturing clear and vibrant shots even in challenging lighting conditions. Whether you’re shooting in a dimly lit room or outdoors during sunset, Insta 360 offers stunning results.

Not only does Insta 360 excel in low light stabilization, but it also ensures smooth footage throughout. The camera’s advanced stabilization technology counteracts any shakes or jerks, providing steady shots in every frame. Whether you’re walking, running, or capturing fast-paced action, Insta 360 ensures that your footage remains stable and smooth.

DJI Osmo Action 4

On the other hand, DJI also offers commendable low-light stabilization. While it may not surpass Insta 360 Ace Pro in well-illuminated surroundings, DJI holds its ground and delivers satisfactory results. The camera adjusts well to low light conditions, ensuring that your shots are visible and detailed.

DJI also boasts smooth stabilization capabilities, allowing you to capture steady footage even in dynamic situations. Whether you’re shooting while moving or using handheld techniques, DJI’s stabilization technology minimizes any motion blur or shakiness, resulting in smooth and professional-looking videos.

Both Insta 360 and DJI cameras are equipped with advanced stabilization features that cater to different shooting scenarios. Whether you prioritize low-light performance or require smooth footage, both cameras provide impressive results.

  • Insta 360 Ace Pro stands out with its exceptional low light stabilization in well-illuminated surroundings.
  • DJI Osmo Action 4 delivers satisfactory low light performance and ensures smooth stabilization in various shooting conditions.

No matter which camera you choose, capturing moments in low light will no longer be a challenge. These cameras are designed to elevate your photography and videography experience, enabling you to create stunning visuals even in challenging lighting conditions.

Horizon Steady Feature

One of the standout features of the Insta 360 Ace Pro camera is the Horizon Steady feature. This feature allows you to capture smooth and stable video footage, even in fast-paced and action-packed scenes. Whether you’re recording extreme sports, capturing breathtaking landscapes, or filming your next adventure, the Horizon Steady feature ensures that your videos are always steady and free from unwanted shaking or jerky movements.

The Horizon Steady feature is enabled in the free-frame video mode on Insta 360 Ace Pro. This mode allows you to shoot videos with a wide field of view, capturing more of the scene and giving your footage a cinematic feel. Whether you’re shooting in 360-degree or in standard mode, the Horizon Steady feature works seamlessly to stabilize your video and eliminate any unwanted motion.

Horizon Steady Feature Low Light Stabilization Insta 360 Ace Pro and the DJI Osmo Action 4

Not only does the Horizon Steady feature provide smooth and stable videos, but it also enhances the overall viewing experience. When watching videos captured with this feature, viewers will feel more immersed in the content and be able to appreciate the details and intricacies of each scene.

One of the standout benefits of the Horizon Steady feature is that it is available on both Insta 360 cameras. Whether you’re using the Insta 360 ONE X or the Insta 360 ONE R, you can take advantage of this incredible feature and elevate the quality of your videos.

With the Horizon Steady feature, you can confidently capture action-packed videos without worrying about shaky footage. Whether you’re mountain biking, snowboarding, or simply exploring a new city, the Horizon Steady feature ensures that your videos are smooth, professional-looking, and ready to be shared with the world.

Sound Quality

When it comes to capturing audio with a 360 camera, sound quality is often overlooked but can greatly enhance the overall experience. In this section, we will explore the sound quality of different 360 cameras, specifically focusing on the built-in microphones of the Insta 360 and DJI cameras.

Satisfactory sound from built-in microphones

The built-in microphones of both the Insta 360 and DJI Osmo Action 4 cameras provide satisfactory sound quality, allowing you to capture clear audio along with your 360 videos. Whether you are recording a concert, an interview, or even just the ambient sounds of a bustling city, these cameras can deliver decent audio that complements the visual experience.

Insta 360 produces subdued sound

While the sound quality of the Insta 360 Ace Pro is satisfactory, it has been noted that the audio produced by these cameras can sometimes be a bit subdued. This means that the audio may not be as vibrant or dynamic as some other cameras on the market. However, for most everyday use cases, the sound quality of the Insta 360 Ace Pro is still more than sufficient.

DJI has slightly crisper and sharper audio

In comparison, DJI cameras tend to have slightly crisper and sharper audio. This means that the sound captured by these cameras is more defined and detailed, providing a more immersive and high-quality audio experience. Whether you are capturing the sounds of nature or recording live performances, the DJI Osmo Action 4 camera excels in capturing the nuances of sound.

Both the Insta 360 Ace Pro and DJI Osmo Action 4 offer satisfactory sound quality through their built-in microphones. While the Insta 360 may produce subdued sound, the DJI cameras excel in providing crisper and sharper audio. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your specific needs and preferences when it comes to capturing audio with your 360 camera.

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Magnetic Mounting System

One of the standout features of both cameras is their easy-to-use magnetic mounting system. This innovative design allows users to quickly and securely attach the camera to a variety of surfaces without the need for any complicated setups or additional tools.

With the magnetic mounting system, you can simply place the camera on any metal surface and it will securely stay in place. This means that you can easily mount the camera on a fridge, a metal shelf, or even the hood of your car, giving you endless possibilities for capturing the perfect shot.

Insta 360 Ace Pro and the DJI Osmo Action 4 Magnetic Mounting System

Not only does the magnetic mounting system offer convenience and versatility, but it also ensures that your camera is stable and secure. The strong magnets used in the mounting system ensure that the camera stays in place even during movement or vibrations.

In addition to its ease of use, the magnetic mounting system also allows for quick and effortless repositioning of the camera. Whether you want to change the perspective or capture a different angle, all you have to do is detach the camera from its current position and attach it to the new spot.

Furthermore, the magnetic mounting system is compatible with a range of accessories, making it even more versatile. You can easily attach accessories such as an additional lens or a microphone to enhance your photography or videography experience.

The magnetic mounting system is a game-changer when it comes to camera technology. Its ease of use, stability, and versatility make it an invaluable feature for both amateur and professional photographers. With this innovative design, you can capture stunning shots from any angle and on any surface without any hassle.

Video Quality

When it comes to video quality, both the Insta 360 and DJI Osmo Action 4 cameras have their own unique qualities. Let’s take a closer look at what sets them apart.

Insta 360 Ace Pro and the DJI Osmo Action 4 Video Quality

Insta 360 Ace Pro: Vibrant Colors

The Insta 360 Ace Pro camera is known for producing videos with vibrant colors. The footage captured by this camera appears more lively and full of energy. The colors pop off the screen, making the viewing experience immersive and engaging. Whether you’re recording a picturesque landscape or a bustling cityscape, the Insta 360 will make your videos burst with life.

DJI: Subtle Yellow Tint, Slightly Duller Video

On the other hand, the DJI camera has a subtle yellow tint and slightly duller video compared to the Insta 360. This gives the footage a warmer and more nostalgic feel. While the colors may not be as vibrant as those captured by the Insta 360, the DJI camera adds a touch of sophistication to your videos. It’s perfect for capturing those moody, atmospheric shots.

Insta 360: Slightly Sharper

In terms of sharpness, the Insta 360 Ace Pro camera takes the lead. It captures videos with slightly more clarity and definition. Every detail is crisp and well-defined, allowing you to capture the intricacies of your subject. Whether you’re shooting a close-up of a flower petal or capturing the fast-paced action of a sports event, the Insta 360 ensures that every detail shines through.

DJI: Smoothing Out Details

On the other hand, the DJI camera smooths out the details, giving your videos a softer and more polished look. This can be advantageous if you’re looking to create a more cinematic effect or if you want to diminish any imperfections. The DJI camera excels at creating a smoother and more professional-looking final product.

Overall, both the Insta 360 Ace Pro and DJI Osmo Action 4 cameras have their own strengths in terms of video quality. It ultimately depends on your personal preference and the aesthetic you’re aiming to achieve. Whether you prefer vibrant colors and sharper details or a more subdued and polished look, both cameras offer unique qualities that can elevate your video content.

Outdoor Photos

When it comes to capturing outdoor photos, two popular options stand out: the Insta 360 and the DJI. Both cameras offer fantastic features and capabilities, but there are notable differences that can impact the overall look and feel of your images.

Insta 360 Ace Pro and the DJI Osmo Action 4 Outdoor Photos

Insta 360: Darker with Patchy Sky

The Insta 360 Ace Pro camera excels in capturing stunning landscape shots. However, it is important to note that the camera tends to produce darker images with a patchy sky. This can be ideal for creating a moody or dramatic ambiance, especially for photographers who love experimenting with different lighting scenarios.

If you are aiming for an artistic touch in your outdoor photos, the Insta 360 can deliver exceptional results. The darker tones can add depth and intrigue to your images, creating a unique and captivating visual experience for viewers. Moreover, the patchy sky can enhance the overall composition and give a sense of drama to your photographs.

DJI: More Realistic Feel

If you prefer a more natural and realistic feel in your outdoor photos, the DJI camera might be the better option for you. The DJI camera is known for its ability to capture vivid colors and create images that closely resemble what the human eye sees.

With the DJI camera, you can expect outstanding color accuracy and excellent dynamic range. The camera boasts impressive technology that enhances the vibrancy of the colors in your outdoor photos, making them come to life. Whether you are capturing bright landscapes or vibrant wildlife, the DJI camera preserves the true essence and beauty of the scene.

In conclusion, when it comes to outdoor photography, both the Insta 360 and DJI have their unique strengths. The Insta 360 Ace Pro camera offers darker images with a patchy sky, perfect for creating a moody and dramatic ambiance. On the other hand, the DJI camera provides a more realistic feel with vivid colors and exceptional dynamic range. Ultimately, the choice depends on your personal style and the desired effect you want to achieve in your outdoor photos.

Insta 360 Ace Pro and DJI Osmo Action 4 Hyperlapse Mode

In the world of photography and videography, capturing smooth and stable footage is often a challenge. However, with the advancements in technology, cameras have started incorporating features to address this issue. Two cameras that excel in this aspect are the Insta 360 and DJI Osmo Action 4. Both cameras perform well in hyperlapse mode, but the Insta 360 takes it a step further with its remarkable stabilization capabilities.

When it comes to hyper lapse mode, both the Insta 360 and DJI Action 4 offer impressive results. This mode allows you to condense hours of footage into mere seconds, creating a visually captivating effect. Whether you are capturing the bustling city streets or the breathtaking landscapes, hyperlapse mode can add a unique perspective to your videos.

The Insta 360 particularly stands out with its smoother stabilization. Its advanced algorithms and built-in gyroscopic sensors work together to provide unmatched stability, even when shooting in challenging conditions. This results in buttery-smooth footage that is a delight to watch.

DJI Osmo Action 4, on the other hand, also delivers great stabilization in hyper-lapse mode. Its intelligent image-processing algorithms analyze the movement in real time, allowing for impressive stability. While it may not be as seamless as the Insta 360, it still does a commendable job of reducing shakiness and ensuring a smoother overall experience.

Both cameras offer various customization options in hyperlapse mode, allowing you to adjust factors such as speed and exposure. This flexibility gives you more control over the final output and allows you to unleash your creativity.

In conclusion, when it comes to hyperlapse mode, both the Insta 360 Ace Pro and DJI Action 4 delivers excellent performance. However, if you prioritize the smoothest stabilization and want truly cinematic footage, the Insta 360 would be the ideal choice. Its superior stabilization capabilities make it a reliable companion for capturing dynamic and captivating hyperlapse videos.

Slow Motion

When it comes to capturing the perfect slow motion footage, having a camera that can handle high frame rates and deliver smooth and clear video is crucial. In this blog post, we will compare two popular action cameras – the Insta 360 and the DJI – and see how they perform in slow motion.

Insta 360: Smoother and Clearer

The Insta 360 has gained a reputation for its exceptional slow motion capabilities. With the ability to shoot in 4K at 120 frames per second, it captures stunningly detailed footage in slow motion. Whether you’re capturing action sports or creating cinematic moments, the Insta 360 delivers silky smooth slow motion video with impeccable clarity.

One of the standout features of the Insta 360 is its advanced stabilization technology. Even in high frame rate settings, it reduces any shaking or vibrations, resulting in ultra-smooth slow motion footage. This makes it ideal for capturing fast-paced scenes or filming while on the move.

DJI: Decent Quality with Some Drawbacks

The DJI is another popular choice for slow motion enthusiasts. It offers decent slow motion capabilities, although not on par with the Insta 360. The DJI can shoot in 4K at 60 frames per second, which still allows for smooth slow motion footage, but lacks the same level of sharpness and clarity as the Insta 360.

One area where the DJI falls short is in stabilization. While it does have some stabilization features, there is still some shake present in the footage, especially at higher frame rates. This can be a drawback if you’re looking for perfectly smooth slow motion shots.

In conclusion, both the Insta 360 and DJI have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to slow motion. If you prioritize the highest quality and smoothest slow motion footage, the Insta 360 is the clear winner. However, if you’re on a budget or don’t require the absolute best in slow motion, the DJI is still a decent choice.

Gesture Control

One of the most exciting features in the world of consumer technology is gesture control. Imagine being able to control your devices with just a wave of your hand. This futuristic technology is now a reality, thanks to innovative companies like Insta 360 and DJI.

Insta 360 Ace Pro and the DJI Osmo Action 4 Guesture Control

Insta 360: Recording Made Easy

Insta 360 has taken gesture control to the next level with its innovative cameras. With Insta 360, you can start and stop recording simply by gesturing towards the camera. Whether you’re doing extreme sports or capturing precious family moments, this feature makes it easier than ever to capture the perfect shot.

Gone are the days of fumbling with buttons or trying to position yourself within reach of the camera controls. With Insta 360’s gesture control, everything is at your fingertips. It’s like having your own personal cameraman, ready to capture every moment.

DJI: Taking a Different Approach

While Insta 360 has embraced gesture control, DJI has taken a different route. DJI does not offer gesture control for their cameras. Instead, they have focused on other advanced features, such as intelligent flight modes and high-quality image stabilization.

Although DJI does not have gesture control, their cameras still offer incredible capabilities. With DJI’s intelligent flight modes, you can capture stunning aerial shots with ease. And with their advanced image stabilization technology, your footage will always be smooth and shake-free.

While gesture control is a great feature, it’s not the only factor to consider when choosing a camera. Both Insta 360 and DJI offer a range of features and capabilities that cater to different needs and preferences. Whether you prioritize gesture control or other advanced functionalities, there’s a camera out there for you.

So, whether you’re an adrenaline junkie looking to document your adventures or a videographer in need of professional-grade equipment, make sure to explore the options available from Insta 360 and DJI. No matter which brand you choose, you can’t go wrong with their cutting-edge technology and commitment to innovation.

Pause Recording

When it comes to capturing those special moments, having the ability to pause recording can make a world of difference. Whether you’re shooting a video for a vlog or capturing footage of your latest adventure, being able to pause the recording can save you time and headaches during the editing process. One brand that understands the importance of this feature is Insta 360.

Insta 360: Pause Recording for Easy Editing

Insta 360 cameras are known for their advanced features and ease of use, and the pause recording feature is no exception. With Insta 360, you have the ability to pause the recording with a simple press of a button. This allows you to take breaks, adjust settings, or change your shooting angle without starting a new recording. When you’re ready to continue, just press the button again, and the camera seamlessly resumes recording. This feature makes editing much easier as you can easily trim out any unwanted footage during post-production.

DJI: No Pause Recording Feature

On the other hand, DJI cameras do not have a pause recording feature. Once you start recording, the camera will continue recording until you manually stop it. While DJI cameras are renowned for their image quality and stability, the lack of pause recording can be a drawback for those who value efficient editing. Without the ability to pause the recording, you may end up with longer clips that require more time and effort to trim down during editing.

In conclusion, the pause recording feature offered by Insta 360 cameras can greatly simplify the editing process. With just a press of a button, you can pause and resume recording, making it easier to trim out any unnecessary footage. However, DJI cameras do not offer this feature, which may make editing a bit more time-consuming. Ultimately, the decision between these two brands will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

AI Features

When it comes to capturing immersive visuals, both Insta 360 and DJI offer powerful cameras that can provide stunning results. However, one standout feature that sets Insta 360 apart is its AI warp feature. This innovative technology allows users to enhance not only themselves but also the surroundings in their photos and videos.

Imagine you’re in a breathtaking location, ready to document your adventure. With Insta 360’s AI warp feature, you can add a touch of magic to your shots. This intelligent technology smartly adjusts the perspective and details to make the scenery even more awe-inspiring. Whether it’s correcting the image distortion or amplifying the vibrant colors, the AI warp feature elevates your visuals to a whole new level.

On the other hand, DJI does not offer this particular feature in its cameras. While DJI products are renowned for their image quality and stabilizing capabilities, AI warp takes the editing experience to a different dimension. Insta 360 understands the importance of not just capturing a moment, but also making it visually striking.

With AI warp, you have the ability to enhance yourself in the shot as well. Whether it’s smoothing out imperfections or adjusting your overall appearance, this feature ensures you look your best. Say goodbye to worrying about unflattering angles or blemishes – Insta 360’s AI warp has got you covered.

Furthermore, the AI warp feature is incredibly user-friendly. It seamlessly integrates into the Insta 360 camera’s interface, allowing you to make adjustments effortlessly. Simply select the AI warp option, and you’re ready to transform your visuals with just a few clicks. It’s intuitive, efficient, and designed to make your editing process a breeze.

In conclusion, while DJI cameras offer exceptional image quality and stability, Insta 360’s AI warp feature takes things a step further by enhancing both yourself and your surroundings. Every shot becomes a masterpiece with the power of AI warp, making your visual stories truly unforgettable.

Low Light Performance

When it comes to capturing amazing photos and videos in low light conditions, the performance of a camera is crucial. In this blog post, we will be discussing the low light performance of two popular cameras: Insta 360 and DJI Action 4.

Low Light Stabilization Insta 360 Ace Pro and the DJI Osmo Action 4

Insta 360: Big Sensor and Powerful AI Chip

Insta 360 stands out when it comes to low light performance, thanks to its big sensor and powerful AI chip. With a larger sensor, more light can be captured, resulting in brighter and sharper images even in dimly lit environments. The powerful AI chip processes the image data quickly and efficiently, enabling the camera to enhance details, reduce noise, and produce stunning low light photos and videos.

This combination of a big sensor and a powerful AI chip allows Insta 360 to excel in low light conditions, giving you the ability to capture memorable moments even when the lighting is less than ideal.

Both Cameras Perform Well in Low Light Conditions

While Insta 360’s low-light performance is impressive, it’s important to note that DJI Action 4 also performs well in low-light conditions. Although it may not have the same level of low light capabilities as Insta 360, DJI Action 4 still delivers high-quality results.

Both cameras utilize advanced technologies to handle low light situations effectively. They employ techniques such as long exposure, image stabilization, and noise reduction to optimize image quality even in challenging lighting conditions. Whether you are taking photos or shooting videos, both Insta 360 and DJI Action 4 ensure that your memories are captured with clarity and precision.

Ultimately, the choice between Insta 360 and DJI Action 4 depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you prioritize exceptional low-light performance, Insta 360’s big sensor and powerful AI chip make it an excellent option. However, if other features or factors are more important to you, DJI Action 4 may still be a great choice that delivers satisfactory results in low light situations.

Smart Editing Features

When it comes to capturing and sharing moments through videos, having an editing feature that makes the process quick and easy is essential. In this aspect, Insta 360 takes the lead with its smart editing features.

Ready-Made Reels for Social Media Posting

One standout feature of Insta 360 is its offering of ready-made reels specifically designed for easy social media posting. With just a few taps, users can create visually captivating videos that are perfect for sharing on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. These pre-made reels come with trendy transitions, dynamic effects, and background music choices perfectly suited to capture attention in the fast-paced world of social media.

Using these ready-made reels is incredibly simple. Users can select the desired reel template and then add their own footage or images to personalize the video. The smart editing features of Insta 360 automatically trim and adjust the clips to fit the chosen reel, saving users valuable time and effort. With Insta 360, anyone can create professional-looking social media videos without the need for extensive editing skills.

The Lack of Ready-Made Reels in DJI

While DJI is known for its high-quality drones and cameras, it falls short in the realm of ready-made reels for social media posting. Unlike Insta 360, DJI does not offer a feature that allows users to quickly and easily create videos specifically tailored for sharing on popular social media platforms.

This lack of ready-made reels can be a disadvantage for those who want to share their videos effortlessly on social media. Users who opt for DJI products may need to spend more time editing and customizing their videos manually, which can be time-consuming and may require a higher level of technical expertise.

While DJI cameras and drones excel in their capture capabilities, Insta 360’s smart editing features provide a more streamlined and efficient editing experience for social media users. The inclusion of ready-made reels sets Insta 360 apart from DJI and makes it an attractive choice for those looking to create and share videos quickly and easily on various social media platforms.


In conclusion, both cameras, Insta360 Ace Pro vs DJI Action 4, have their own strengths and weaknesses. However, if you are looking for a camera with unique AI features and shortcuts, then Insta 360 is the better option. The AI features offered by Insta 360 Ace Pro provide its users with advanced capabilities, such as automated tracking and smart editing. These features make the video capturing and editing process more efficient and user-friendly.

Furthermore, Insta 360’s flip screen feature is especially beneficial for vloggers. Vloggers often need to monitor themselves while recording and ensure that they are within the frame. With the flip screen, vloggers can easily see their framing and composition, resulting in better-quality content.

About the Author: Meghan O'Gieblyn

Meghan O'Gieblyn is a dynamic and insightful author, celebrated for her unique blend of narrative storytelling and thoughtful analysis. Her writings often explore the intersections of culture, technology, and philosophy, reflecting a deep curiosity about the modern world. Meghan's essays and articles have graced the pages of various prestigious magazines and literary journals, earning her a reputation for eloquent prose and compelling perspectives.

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