Legs and Glutes Workout At Home

Published on Nov 15, 2023 by

Alright, guys, let’s get started. So this is the workout for today.

Squat Lunges

Squat Lunges

We have squat lunges, set a timer to 30 seconds. When you’re performing a squat, you want the weight to be on your heels, you want your chest up, back straight. You want to make sure that your legs reach at least a 90-degree angle. You can always go lower. And with lunges, you want to make sure to try to keep your shins and legs straight; and you don’t want your knees going past your toes. And like I said with squats, you want to go to at least 90 degrees with your forward leg. Alright, let’s get started. You’ve got 30 seconds. So, after each exercise, we take a 15-second rest; but if you’re feeling good, you can always push yourself and cut that rest time.

Bulgarian Split Squats

So, next up, we have Bulgarian split squats. (bell ringing) If you’re unfamiliar with the exercise, you can always just click on it, and you’ll see a video on how to do it. Alright, we’re going to use this box over here. We have 10 each leg.  That’s a good one. The thing I like about that exercise is it helps build balance as well as strength in each leg.


Next, we have lunges. We will go 10 on each leg; let’s go. Alright,

Jump Squats

Jump Squats

We’re going to go right into jump squats, and that’s kind of self-explanatory. You want to go all the way down, and you want to jump as high as you can. We’re going for 14. It’s heavy on the music. That was definitely the toughest one yet.

Jumping Jacks

Next, we have jumping jacks. I’m sure you guys know what that is. If not, you can always click on that video, and it’ll show you just how to do it. We’ll go with 40. Let’s go. So with that exercise; it’s actually going to be the opposite of a squat. You’re going to want to put all your weight on the balls of your feet. It’s a great exercise to get that heart rate up and break a sweat, as you notice it.

Regular Squats

Regular Squats

Next, we just have regular squats. So, remember, you want quality over quantity. Let’s do good form. Let’s go for 20. Remember, guys, you want your feet, shoulder-width apart, break that 90-degrees angle, and keep your chest up.

Side Squats

Side Squats

Alright, next up, we have side squats. Now you guys know how to do it. Let’s get right into it. We got 10 each leg. It’s really important to focus on keep in’ that outer leg straight, and the same thing as with regular squats, break 90 degrees with the inner leg.

Crab Walks

Crab Walks

Next, we have crab walks. That may be an exercise that a lotta people aren’t familiar with, but it’s a good thing. Alright, with this one, we’re going to walk 20 feet. You want to stay low; you want to try to stay at that 90-degree angle the whole time. Let’s go for it. Ninety degrees, stay low. Remember, you always want to push yourself, but if you need to take a break, stop for a second, catch your breath, and then get right back into it. Almost done. These exercises just keep getting harder and harder. Let’s see what we got next.

Calf Raises

Calf Raises

We got calf raises, 15 each leg. With this exercise, you can use a bar or even a wall for resistance. You want to go all the way up, both our feet really flex that calf, back down. So with those, when you get to the peak of the movement, you want to make sure to squeeze and flex that calf really tight and have a slight hold at the top. Alright.

Wall Sits

Wall Sits

Last but not least, we have wall sits for 45 seconds. As you easily can hold it, keep in’ this back straight, keep in’ the legs at 90 degrees, and we’re going to do 10. Alright, let’s get ready to do it. Legs at 90 degrees, back straight, 45 seconds. If you’re not able to hold this for the full 45 seconds, you can always rest your hands on your legs for a little assistance. But try to really push through and not use that. If this exercise is too easy for you, you can actually get up on your tippy-toes, and you’ll get lots more. Alright, guys, that’s it for round one. You’ve got two more rounds. Don’t forget, after you complete that workout, and Mark it as Completed at the bottom.

About the Author: Gulrukh Chaudhary

Gulrukh Chaudhary, an accomplished digital marketer and technology writer with a passion for exploring the frontiers of innovation. Armed with a Master's degree in Information Technology, Gulrukh seamlessly blends her technical prowess with her creative flair, resulting in captivating insights into the world of emerging technologies. Discover more about her on her LinkedIn profile.

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