How To Make Portfolio?

Published on Nov 17, 2023 by


Importance of a Portfolio?

These days you can easily share your work on the Internet with just a few clicks. But before using the Internet, creatives had to put together a physically oriented portfolio and get an interview. Some would look at their work. But nowadays, everyone connected to a device can see your work.

Why Portfolio Important?

The main benefit of having a portfolio page is that it establishes your brand on the web. Your Business has online given of people who do their research google and other reach engines before deciding to work with a company or hire a new person.

Some career paths where online portfolios are a must continue absolute must.

  • Photographers
  • Video Graphics
  • Architects
  • Graphic Designers
  • ArtistsAdverts’’
  • Advertisers
  • Web Developer
  • Writers

Just know that if you create anything. It would be best if you had a portfolio.

These steps Guide to Building a Design Portfolio.

Step 1:Figure out which field of design you want to pursue. Here are some points that might help you get some clarity.

  • What am I good at?
  • What difference me from others?
  • Which activities do I like to do?

Step 2: now, you choose 4-5 projects that you want to display. Collection all projects that you have done. These are three points that will help you sort through the critical and unimportant portfolio.

  • What is the field that I have decided to pursue?
  • One which project did I bring the most value from which tasks did I learn.
  • What exciting stories can I tell you about the work that I did?

Step 4: Choose your medium.

  • Choosing the right medium based on the kind of field .you want to get into is an essential aspect of building your portfolio.

Step 5: present your project.

  • Here some points that you’d want to showcase in your project case study.
  • The problems you had to solve or the hypotheses you came up with for solving it.
  • Your specific role in the project and how you collaborate with others.
  • How you came to your proposed solution.
  • How your proposed solution solved the problem.

Step 6:  get feedback and iterate one you put everything together, Go ahead and get feedback from people you trust and respect. The more loopholes you will find and the move prepared you are to defend your design decisions or change the opens, you cannot.

Some tips for creating the perfect creative portfolio 

  • Only include Your best work.
  • Show your versatility.
  • Look at the big picture
  • Use high-resolution images
  • Solicit opinions.

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About the Author: Gulrukh Chaudhary

Gulrukh Chaudhary, an accomplished digital marketer and technology writer with a passion for exploring the frontiers of innovation. Armed with a Master's degree in Information Technology, Gulrukh seamlessly blends her technical prowess with her creative flair, resulting in captivating insights into the world of emerging technologies. Discover more about her on her LinkedIn profile.

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