Five Reasons Why You Should Try Online Dating

Published on Nov 17, 2023 by


We never really knew how hard looking for a potential life partner was until the pandemic happened.

Sweeping through crowds and sending flirtatious signs to someone anywhere was easy. But now, everything has changed. The pandemic did a complete 180 in how we forge connections.

Thankfully, the world’s online dating app and site developers also stepped up their games to match the mass’ demands. As such, online dating sites and apps are now more engaging and secure.

If you’re still hesitant to dip your toes into the waters of online dating, this article will be your perfect guide. We talked about the best reasons online dating is your ideal choice during the pandemic. For arguments’ sake, we also included a cons list.

Five Reasons Why You Should Try Online Dating

It’s been nineteen months since the pandemic happened, and it’s still unsure when we’ll be getting out of this limbo. If you’re now considering online dating as an option, here are the ultimate reasons why you should sign up for a profile.

1. Meeting like-minded people

Looking for the perfect person to date would be like searching for a needle in a haystack—it’s utterly hard.

Now, the good thing about online dating is that you get to streamline your love search to match your preferences. Most dating sites will check your user experience and use the detected pattern to look for your match. There might even be online platforms that let you do a personality quiz to ensure that you’re compatible with your ideal partner.

2. Great first impression

Were you ever the type to try to talk to someone you like and realize you haven’t said a thing just because you’re too shy to speak to them? Or have you ever tried talking to someone and finding yourself spewing words you barely understand or mean? Perhaps we could only agree that nothing in any of these scenarios helped you bag home someone.

One great benefit of online dating is that you get to review the conversation, and you can easily change them if you find it too dark or cringy. Through online dating, you won’t look or sound like an idiot. It’ll help make sure that your date understands you well enough before they get to judge you for spewing silly words when you meet in person.

3. Nothing to lose

Online dating has been around for many decades now. While many have turned for refuge to some dating sites, others still find it disturbing.

Dating someone virtually may not be how our favorite childhood princesses met their princes, but it doesn’t mean yours will not be any romantic should you try online dating.

Whether you choose to play by the rules or not, you have nothing to lose with online dating. Besides, whatever means you’d do to find a life partner, someone will always have something to say about it. So how about you stick to how you want it to be, yeah?

4. Untethered schedules

Beating deadlines and extending work hours to present a great project will help hone your career. But focusing too much on work can also take a toll on your love life, making it more difficult to find someone special.

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You don’t have to free your schedule to have a date if you sign up for online dating. You can easily ping someone’s inbox anytime and start a meaningful conversation.

5. Security and anonymity

Not everyone loves attention; others hate having the spotlight on them. And that’s often how these people feel when an online acquaintance tries to look them up online.

If you prefer to be private, the best dating platforms will protect your profile or identity. They will help guard your anonymity, and you have the choice of how much you want to share with an online date. All these are the perfect reasons why you need to choose a safe app or site.

Five Reasons Why It’s a Bad Idea to Try Online Dating

Now, here are the cons of trying online dating:

1. Not what you hoped for

Dating the perfect person online is like having a comfortable blanket on a freezing night—it feels warm and fuzzy. But the downside of it is that once you meet them in person, you might realize that they’re not your perfect pair.

When you meet your date face to face, you’ll find out that they will always be that person you talk with each night—too familiar but not familiar enough. In the end, the whole virtual dating shenanigan might disappoint you if you won’t feel any spark.

2. Risk of internet scam

Nothing’s worse than falling madly in love with someone and then realize in the long run that they’re a stinking con artist!

Online dating platforms have become a hub for internet scammers acting genuine and romantic to dupe unsuspecting users today. Without a doubt, it’ll suck if you become one of the victims.

Hence, you need to choose a dating site that prioritizes its users’ privacy and security. Before downloading an app and chatting with a slew of online people, check a brand’s privacy policy first. And though it’d be a colossal romance killer, it won’t hurt if you try to be vigilant once you’re at a dating platform.

3. Overwhelming

Joining a famous online dating platform and having access to hundreds of singles worldwide sounds like a good idea in theory. But realistically speaking, having way too many options may blur us out of our goal.

The constant pings of likes and messages can make it tough to fix your eyes in finding your perfect match. A budding relationship with someone may even suffer if you are bent on connecting with too many people simultaneously.

4. Too many superficial people around

When using online dating platforms, we tend to forget that beauty is only skin deep. The slew of airbrushed portraits, filtered skins, and hundredth-pose-passed-as-one-try photos can skew your decision-making skills when trying to find the right partner.

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You can miss out on what could have been an excellent relationship with an imperfect person if you continue to pursue fruitless connections with someone who doesn’t have anything to offer besides their looks. When looking for a potential partner, choose someone beyond the physical appearance.

5. May box you

It isn’t inherently wrong to have an ideal mate. However, boxing yourself in with a specific idea of who you want your future partner to be might ruin life’s chance of surprising you with a great partner. You know, that someone you’ve never expected to notice but eventually matters the world to you.

Selecting your dating choices and matches based on your standards is a great way to sift out someone who may not be your type. But don’t let the control buttons define your future choices and miss out on someone great in the process.

Final Note

The pandemic has made virtual relationships conventional. While there are piles of bad advertisements about them, many people have succeeded in finding their perfect pair. Our final tip? Don’t let others’ experiences dictate how yours should be, and finally, enjoy!

About the Author: Tom Warren

Tom Warren is a prominent tech writer renowned for his deep expertise in the world of technology and innovation. With a career spanning several years, Tom has become a trusted voice in tech journalism, known for his insightful analysis and comprehensive coverage of the latest trends and developments. His writing is not only informative but also accessible, making complex tech concepts understandable for a broad audience.

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