50 CASA Interview Questions With Answers

Published on Feb 15, 2024 by

50 Casa Interview Questions with Answers

Are you preparing for an interview at Casa? Congratulations! You’re one step closer to landing your dream job. Casa is a leading provider of secure and user-friendly cryptocurrency storage solutions. They are known for their innovative technology and commitment to customer security. To help you ace your Casa interview, we’ve compiled a list of 50 common Casa interview questions with answers. These questions cover a range of topics, from behavioural questions to technical questions, and will give you a better understanding of what to expect during your interview.

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Behavioural Questions and Answers

Behavioural Questions

Behavioural questions are a staple in CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) interviews, as they help interviewers assess how candidates have handled various situations in the past. These questions are designed to gauge your problem-solving skills, adaptability, and ability to work under pressure—qualities that are essential for advocating for children’s best interests in the judicial system. In this section, we’ll explore some common behavioural questions asked in CASA interviews, offer sample answers, and provide tips on structuring your responses effectively using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result).

1. Describe a time when you had to handle a highly stressful situation. How did you manage it?

Answer: In my previous role as a social worker, I was responsible for managing cases with tight deadlines and high stakes. Once, I had to prepare a comprehensive welfare report within a 48-hour window. I prioritise my tasks, delegated certain responsibilities to my team, and communicated regularly with all parties to ensure transparency and efficiency. Despite the pressure, the report was submitted on time and was pivotal in the court’s decision-making process.

Tip: Focus on your ability to remain calm, prioritise tasks, and leverage your team’s strengths under pressure.

2. Can you provide an example of a time when you had to work with someone who was difficult to get along with?

Answer: At a previous volunteer position, I collaborated with a colleague who had a very different working style from mine, which sometimes led to misunderstandings. I requested a meeting to openly discuss our differences and find common ground. We agreed on a shared approach for our project, focusing on our mutual goal of supporting our cause. This experience taught me valuable lessons in flexibility and communication.

Tip: Highlight your communication skills, ability to understand different perspectives, and commitment to teamwork.

3. Tell me about a time you made a mistake. How did you handle it?

Answer: Once, I misinterpreted a child’s request during a case, which temporarily misaligned our advocacy efforts. Realising my mistake, I immediately communicated with my supervisor, explained the situation to the family, and took corrective action. This experience reinforced the importance of active listening and clear communication in my role as a CASA.

Tip: Show your willingness to own up to mistakes, learn from them, and take proactive steps to correct them.

4. Describe a situation where you went above and beyond for a case or project.

Answer: In a particularly complex case, I realised that the standard resources weren’t sufficient to fully understand the child’s needs. I invested extra hours in research, sought expertise from professionals in relevant fields, and built a comprehensive support network. My dedication resulted in a tailored advocacy strategy that significantly improved the child’s situation.

Tip: Emphasise your dedication, innovative problem-solving skills, and willingness to go the extra mile for the best outcome.

5. How do you handle disagreements with authority figures, such as a judge or senior CASA staff?

Answer: I once disagreed with a recommendation made by a senior CASA staff member that I believed wasn’t in the child’s best interest. I prepared a detailed report with alternative recommendations, supported by evidence and professional advice. After presenting my findings in a respectful and professional manner, we reached a consensus that ultimately benefited the child’s welfare.

Tip: Demonstrate respect for authority, commitment to advocacy, and the ability to present your case logically and respectfully.

6. Give an example of how you have handled a case with incomplete information.

Answer: Faced with a case that had several gaps in information, I took the initiative to conduct thorough investigations, reaching out to schools, healthcare providers, and community members. My proactive approach filled the information gaps and provided a clearer picture of the child’s needs, leading to a more informed advocacy strategy.

Tip: Highlight your investigative skills, initiative, and determination to gather all necessary information for comprehensive advocacy.

7. Tell us about a time when you had to adapt quickly to changes in a case.

Answer: During a case, unexpected legal developments required a rapid change in our advocacy approach. I quickly assessed the new information, consulted with legal experts, and revised our strategy accordingly. My ability to adapt and respond swiftly ensured that the child’s interests remained the priority throughout the legal process.

Tip: Focus on your flexibility, ability to think on your feet, and commitment to prioritising the child’s best interests.

8. How do you prioritise your workload when handling multiple cases?

 Answer: I prioritise my cases based on urgency, complexity, and the child’s immediate needs. I use a combination of digital tools and traditional methods to organise my tasks and deadlines. Regularly reassessing my priorities ensures that I can effectively manage my workload without compromising the quality of my advocacy.

Tip: Discuss your organisational skills, prioritisation strategy, and how you ensure each case receives the attention it requires.

9. Can you describe a time when you successfully collaborated with others to achieve a goal?

Answer: In a multi-disciplinary case involving several agencies, I coordinated a series of meetings to ensure all parties were aligned on the child’s needs. Through effective collaboration and communication, we developed a unified plan that addressed educational, health, and emotional support. This teamwork led to significant improvements in the child’s well-being.

Tip: Showcase your collaborative spirit, communication skills, and ability to unite different stakeholders towards a common goal.

10. What strategies do you use to stay informed and up-to-date with changes in child welfare laws and practices?

Answer: I regularly attend professional development workshops, participate in webinars, and subscribe to newsletters related to child welfare and advocacy. Staying informed allows me to apply the latest best practices and legal standards to my advocacy work, ensuring that I’m providing the best possible support to the children I serve.

Tip: Highlight your commitment to continuous learning, professional growth, and applying new knowledge to improve your advocacy.

Technical/Skill-Based Questions and Answers

Technical Skill Based

In the realm of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) interviews, technical or skill-based questions are designed to evaluate your specific competencies and knowledge related to child welfare, legal procedures, and advocacy strategies. These questions allow candidates to demonstrate their expertise and readiness to effectively serve in their role as advocates for children in the court system. Below, we present common technical questions along with detailed answers and explanations to help you showcase your competence and preparation for the CASA role.

11. What are the key components of a successful child advocacy plan?

Answer: A successful child advocacy plan should be comprehensive and child-centred, focusing on the child’s current needs and long-term wellbeing. Key components include a thorough assessment of the child’s situation, identification of the child’s needs (emotional, medical, educational), a detailed plan for addressing these needs, and a mechanism for monitoring and adjusting the plan as the child’s situation evolves. Effective communication with all stakeholders and a strong, evidence-based case to support recommendations in court are also crucial.

Tip: Emphasise the importance of a holistic approach and the ability to adapt as circumstances change.

12. How do you ensure confidentiality and privacy in your work as a CASA?

Answer: Confidentiality and privacy are paramount in CASA work. I ensure these by strictly adhering to all legal requirements and CASA guidelines, securely managing all case documents, and discussing case details only with authorised individuals involved in the child’s welfare. Regular training on data protection and privacy laws helps me stay updated on best practices for safeguarding sensitive information.

Tip: Highlight your commitment to ethical standards and ongoing education in data protection.

13. Can you explain the process of preparing a court report for a CASA case?

Answer: Preparing a court report as a CASA involves several steps: First, gathering comprehensive information through interviews, observations, and reviewing documents. Then, analysing the information to assess the child’s needs. The report should include factual findings, the child’s wishes, and recommendations for the child’s best interests. It’s crucial to present the information clearly, concisely, and objectively, backed by evidence. Before submission, the report is reviewed for accuracy and adherence to legal standards.”

Tip: Detail the importance of a methodical approach and the ability to synthesise information into clear recommendations.

14. Describe how you would handle a situation where a child expresses a wish that you believe is not in their best interest.

Answer: In such situations, it’s important to listen and understand the child’s perspective fully, ensuring they feel heard and valued. I would explain the potential outcomes of their wish in a way that is appropriate for their age and understanding. Then, I’d explore alternative options that align more closely with their best interests. Ultimately, while advocating for the child’s best interests in my report and recommendations, I would ensure the child’s voice is represented accurately in all proceedings.

Tip: Stress the balance between respecting the child’s voice and advocating for their best interests.

15.What strategies do you use to build trust with a child who is hesitant to open up?

Answer: Building trust takes time and patience. I start by creating a safe, non-judgmental space for the child to express themselves. Engaging in activities or discussions about their interests helps establish a rapport. Consistency in my interactions and demonstrating reliability through actions, not just words, also plays a critical role. It’s about showing the child that their thoughts and feelings are important and that I am there to support them without any agenda.

Tip: Focus on patience, empathy, and consistency in building rapport with children.

16.How do you stay updated with current laws and policies relevant to child welfare and advocacy?

Answer: I regularly attend training sessions, workshops, and conferences focused on child welfare and legal advocacy. Subscribing to relevant journals, newsletters, and online forums dedicated to child advocacy and legal updates is also part of my routine. Networking with professionals in the field allows for the exchange of knowledge and staying informed about legislative changes and best practices.

Tip: Highlight a proactive approach to continuous learning and professional development.

17.Explain the importance of cultural competence in CASA work and how you apply it.

 Answer: Cultural competence is crucial in CASA work to ensure respectful, effective advocacy that acknowledges and honours the child’s background. It involves understanding the cultural factors affecting the child’s situation and being sensitive to the child’s cultural identity in all interactions and recommendations. I apply cultural competence by educating myself on the cultures of the children I serve, asking respectful, open-ended questions to understand their cultural needs, and incorporating cultural considerations into my advocacy plans.

Tip: Discuss the role of respect, sensitivity, and ongoing cultural education in your work.

18. How do you assess a child’s needs and ensure they are met effectively?

Answer: Assessing a child’s needs involves a multi-dimensional approach, including direct conversations with the child, observations, consultations with professionals (teachers, therapists, social workers), and reviewing medical and educational records. I prioritise the child’s safety, emotional well-being, health, and educational needs. After identifying needs, I work collaboratively with relevant stakeholders to develop and implement a plan, continuously monitoring progress and adjusting the plan as necessary.

Tip: Emphasise a comprehensive, collaborative approach to needs assessment and meeting those needs.

19. Discuss how you handle conflicts of interest or ethical dilemmas in CASA work.

Answer: When faced with conflicts of interest or ethical dilemmas, I first consult CASA’s ethical guidelines and policies. Open communication with my supervisor or ethics committee is crucial for guidance. I prioritise the child’s best interests above all else, ensuring any action taken is transparent, documented, and in line with professional standards and legal requirements.

Tip: Stress the importance of adhering to ethical guidelines and seeking guidance when needed.

20. What role does evidence play in your advocacy work, and how do you gather and present it?

Answer: Evidence is fundamental in supporting recommendations and decisions in CASA reports. I gather evidence through interviews, direct observations, and reviewing documents (school records, medical reports, therapy notes). Presenting evidence involves organising it logically in the court report, clearly linking it to the child’s needs and best interests, and ensuring all claims are substantiated. This approach strengthens the case for the child’s welfare and informs the court’s decisions.

Tip: Highlight the meticulous collection, organisation, and presentation of evidence to support the child’s best interests.

Situational Questions and Answers

Situational Questions and Answers

Situational questions in CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) interviews are designed to evaluate your problem-solving and decision-making skills in complex, often sensitive scenarios. These questions require you to draw upon both your knowledge and your ability to think on your feet, presenting solutions to hypothetical challenges you might face while advocating for a child’s best interests. The aim is to demonstrate how you apply your skills and knowledge to real-world situations, highlighting your ability to navigate the intricacies of child welfare and the legal system. Below, we provide examples of situational questions along with strategic approaches to answering them, emphasising the use of real-life examples to illustrate your competencies.

21. You’re assigned to a case where the child expresses a desire to live with a relative who has a past DUI conviction. How would you approach this situation?

Answer: First, I would gather all relevant information about the relative’s past DUI conviction, including the circumstances, the time that has elapsed since the conviction, and any rehabilitation efforts. I would also assess the relative’s current situation and ability to provide a safe and supportive environment for the child. Based on this comprehensive assessment, I would make a recommendation that prioritises the child’s safety and well-being, while also considering the child’s wishes and the potential for a positive familial relationship.”

Tip: Emphasise thorough investigation, child safety, and the balance between legal concerns and the child’s emotional needs.

22. Imagine you have conflicting information from different sources about a child’s situation. How do you decide which information to trust and act upon?

Answer: In cases of conflicting information, I prioritise direct observations and credible sources, such as official records and statements from professionals involved in the child’s care. I would also consider the context and potential biases of the information sources. If necessary, I would seek additional verification or clarification to resolve discrepancies. My action plan would be based on the most reliable, comprehensive information available, always with the child’s best interests as the guiding principle.

Tip: Highlight critical thinking, verification processes, and prioritisation of reliable information.

23. A child you’re advocating for is reluctant to speak with you. How do you build rapport and gain their trust?

Answer: Building trust with a reluctant child involves patience, consistency, and showing genuine interest in their well-being. I would spend time with the child in a non-threatening, comfortable environment, engaging in activities they enjoy or talking about topics of interest to them. Over time, by consistently showing up and demonstrating that I am there to help and not to judge, I hope to gradually earn their trust and encourage open communication.

Tip: Focus on patience, empathy, and the importance of building a safe, trusting relationship.

24. You believe that a decision made by the court is not in the best interest of the child you are advocating for. What steps do you take?

Answer: If I believe a court decision is not in the child’s best interest, I would first consult with my supervisor and legal advisor to understand all possible options. Then, I might prepare a detailed report or appeal, presenting alternative evidence or perspectives that were perhaps not considered. My approach would be respectful and professional, aiming to provide additional insights that support the child’s best interests while respecting the legal process.

Tip: Emphasise respectful advocacy, thorough preparation, and adherence to legal procedures.

25. During a home visit, you notice signs that might indicate neglect. What is your immediate response?

Answer: Upon noticing signs of potential neglect, my immediate response would be to document my observations carefully and objectively. I would then consult with my supervisor and follow CASA’s protocol for such situations, which might include discussing concerns with the child welfare agency responsible for investigation. It’s crucial to act promptly but also to ensure that any actions taken are based on solid evidence and follow the appropriate procedures.

Tip: Stress the importance of documentation, following protocol, and acting in the child’s best interest.

26. How would you handle a situation where a parent or guardian is hostile towards you during your interactions?

Answer: In the face of hostility from a parent or guardian, I would remain calm and professional, striving to understand their concerns and the reasons behind their hostility. I would explain my role as a CASA volunteer, emphasising that my primary goal is to advocate for the child’s best interests, which includes working collaboratively with them. If necessary, I would seek support from my supervisor or consider mediation to address conflicts constructively.

Tip: Highlight calmness, communication skills, and seeking collaborative solutions.

27. A child you are advocating for is facing a difficult decision about their future. How do you support them in making this decision?

Answer: Supporting a child facing a difficult decision involves providing them with all the necessary information and options available, tailored to their understanding. I would encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings about the situation, offering a safe space for them to explore their options. While I would provide guidance and potential outcomes for each option, the ultimate decision should be empowered by the child, with their best interests at heart.

Tip: Focus on empowerment, informed decision-making, and emotional support.

28. You disagree with a recommendation made by another professional on the case. How do you address this disagreement?

Answer: Addressing a disagreement with another professional involves open, respectful communication. I would request a meeting to discuss our perspectives and the evidence supporting our recommendations. Understanding their viewpoint and sharing mine could lead to a consensus or a compromise that prioritises the child’s best interests. If disagreements persist, I would consult with my supervisor for guidance on how to proceed.”

Tip: Emphasise respectful dialogue, willingness to find common ground, and prioritisation of the child’s welfare.

29. How do you manage your time and priorities when handling multiple cases with varying degrees of urgency?

Sample Answer: Managing multiple cases effectively requires strong organisational and prioritisation skills. I use a system to categorise cases by urgency and complexity, ensuring that immediate needs are addressed first while also maintaining progress on less urgent cases. Regular review and adjustment of priorities, along with efficient time management techniques, help me ensure that each child receives the attention and advocacy they require.

Tip: Discuss organisation, prioritisation, and flexibility in managing workload.

30. A teenager you are advocating for expresses a desire to return to a home environment that you have concerns about. How do you proceed?

Answer: In this situation, I would listen carefully to the teenager’s reasons for wanting to return, ensuring they feel heard and understood. I would then discuss my concerns with them in an age-appropriate manner, highlighting the risks and ensuring they have all the information needed to make an informed decision. Parallelly, I would explore all possible support and interventions that could make the home environment safer, working closely with relevant agencies and professionals.

Tip: Stress the importance of open communication, informed decision-making, and exploring supportive interventions.

Questions about Experience and Background

Questions about Experience and Background

When interviewing for a position as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), questions about your experience and background play a crucial role in helping the interviewers understand your qualifications and how they align with the organisation’s goals. These questions offer you the opportunity to showcase your previous work, volunteer experiences, and the skills you’ve developed that are pertinent to advocating for children’s welfare. In this section, we’ll go through common questions related to experience and background, providing strategies on how to effectively highlight your relevant experiences in alignment with CASA’s mission.

31. Can you tell us about a time when you successfully advocated for someone’s rights or welfare?

Answer: In my previous role as a social worker, I worked with a family that was at risk of losing their housing. I advocated for them by navigating the local social services system, securing temporary housing assistance, and connecting them with legal aid to address their eviction notice. This experience taught me the importance of persistence, empathy, and resourcefulness in advocating for individuals’ rights and welfare.

Tip: Highlight specific actions you took and the impact of your advocacy.

32. What experiences do you have working with children, especially those from challenging backgrounds?

Answer: I volunteered as a mentor for a youth program that served children from challenging backgrounds, including foster care and low-income families. Through this role, I developed strong relationships with the children by providing consistent support, guidance, and encouragement. It was rewarding to see their progress in school and personal development, which reaffirmed my commitment to supporting vulnerable children.

Tip: Share specific examples that demonstrate your ability to connect with and support children.

33. How have your previous roles prepared you for the responsibilities of a CASA volunteer?

Answer: My background in education and volunteer work with at-risk youth has equipped me with a deep understanding of the issues facing children in the foster care system. I’ve developed skills in communication, empathy, and advocacy that are directly applicable to the CASA role. Additionally, my experience navigating educational and social services systems allows me to effectively advocate for the children’s needs.

Tip: Link your past roles and skills directly to the core responsibilities of a CASA volunteer.

34. Describe a challenging project or situation you managed. What was the outcome?

Answer: I led a community project aimed at providing after-school programs for underserved youth. Despite initial funding and staffing challenges, I coordinated with local organisations for resources and volunteer support. The program successfully launched, providing educational and recreational activities that benefited over 50 children. This experience honed my project management and problem-solving skills, essential for handling complex cases as a CASA.

Tip: Focus on how you overcame obstacles and the positive results of your efforts.

35. What inspired you to become a CASA volunteer?

Answer: Having witnessed the challenges faced by a close family member in the foster care system, I was inspired to contribute positively to children in similar situations. Learning about CASA’s mission to advocate for the best interests of children resonated with me deeply, motivating me to apply my skills and experiences to make a difference in the lives of these children.

Tip: Share a personal motivation that connects emotionally and logically to the work of a CASA.

36. Can you share an experience where you had to work under pressure? How did you handle it?

Answer: During a critical deadline at my previous job, I had to compile a comprehensive report under a tight deadline. I prioritise my tasks, work extra hours, and communicate effectively with my team to delegate responsibilities. My ability to remain calm and organised under pressure ensured the timely completion of the report, which was well-received.

Tip: Demonstrate your stress management and organisational skills.

37. How do you approach learning new skills or information?

Answer: I am proactive about learning new skills, often utilising online resources, workshops, and professional networks. For instance, when I needed to learn a new data management system for a volunteer project, I completed online tutorials and sought advice from experienced peers. This approach not only helped me master the system quickly but also improved the project’s efficiency.

Tip: Show your initiative and strategies for continuous learning and improvement.

38. Describe a time when you had to adapt to a significant change.

Answer: When my previous organisation underwent a major restructuring, I was tasked with a new role that required quickly adapting to new responsibilities and a different team. I took the initiative to familiarise myself with the new role, sought feedback regularly, and embraced the change as an opportunity for growth. This experience taught me the value of flexibility and resilience in the face of change.

Tip: Highlight your adaptability and positive attitude towards change.

40. What do you consider your most significant achievement in a volunteer or professional capacity?

Answer: My most significant achievement was organising a community fundraiser that raised significant funds for a local homeless shelter. Through extensive planning, community engagement, and collaboration, the event surpassed its fundraising goals, providing the shelter with much-needed resources. This achievement showcased my ability to lead, motivate a team, and make a tangible impact on my community.

Tip: Discuss an achievement that reflects leadership, impact, and alignment with CASA’s values.

41. How do you handle feedback or criticism in professional settings?

Answer: I view feedback and criticism as vital opportunities for personal and professional growth. For example, after receiving constructive feedback on a presentation, I sought mentorship to improve my public speaking skills. This approach not only improved my presentations but also demonstrated my commitment to self-improvement and openness to learning.

Tip: Emphasise your positive response to feedback and commitment to continuous improvement.

Cultural Fit and Motivation Questions and Answers

Cultural Fit and Motivation Questions and Answers

Assessing cultural fit and motivation is essential in CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) interviews to ensure that candidates not only possess the necessary skills and experience but also share the organisation’s values and commitment to its mission. These questions allow interviewers to gauge your understanding of CASA’s work, your passion for child advocacy, and how you envision contributing to the organisation’s goals. Below, we provide examples of questions focused on cultural fit and motivation, along with strategies for expressing your alignment with CASA’s mission and your dedication to advocating for children’s best interests.

42. Why do you want to work with CASA specifically, and how does our mission align with your personal values?

Answer: I’ve always been passionate about children’s rights and welfare. CASA’s mission to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children deeply resonates with my personal values of compassion, justice, and community service. I admire CASA’s commitment to providing children with a voice in court and ensuring they have the opportunity for a safe and permanent home. Working with CASA offers a meaningful way to apply my advocacy skills and dedication to make a tangible difference in children’s lives.

Tip: Highlight specific aspects of CASA’s mission that align with your personal values and experiences.

43. Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond for a cause or mission you believed in?

Answer: While volunteering for a local youth shelter, I noticed the program lacked resources for educational support. Believing strongly in the importance of education for these youths’ futures, I initiated a fundraising campaign to create a scholarship fund. I organised community events, engaged local businesses for sponsorships, and promoted the cause through social media. The campaign successfully raised enough funds to support educational programs and scholarships for several youths. This experience showed me the impact of going above and beyond for a cause I believe in.

Tip: Share a story that demonstrates your initiative, leadership, and commitment to a cause, drawing parallels to CASA’s mission.

44. How do you handle emotionally challenging situations, especially when dealing with sensitive issues involving children?

Answer: Emotionally challenging situations require resilience, empathy, and a supportive network. In my previous role as a counsellor, I frequently encountered sensitive issues involving children. I’ve learned to maintain professionalism and empathy, providing the necessary support while also taking care of my emotional well-being. Regular debriefing with colleagues and seeking supervision when needed have been crucial strategies for managing these challenges. This approach ensures I can continue to provide effective support without burnout.

Tip: Emphasise your emotional intelligence, coping strategies, and understanding of the importance of self-care in sustaining long-term advocacy work.

45. What do you believe are the most significant challenges facing children in the foster care system today, and how would you address these as a CASA volunteer?

Answer: One of the most significant challenges is the lack of stability and permanency, which can affect children’s emotional and psychological development. As a CASA volunteer, I would advocate for the child’s best interests by working closely with all stakeholders to find the most stable and loving environment possible. This includes thorough assessments, persistent advocacy for necessary services, and ensuring the child’s voice is heard in all proceedings. Additionally, I believe in the power of education and would seek opportunities to support the child’s educational needs as a pathway to a brighter future.

Tip: Discuss specific challenges and how you would use your role as a CASA volunteer to address them, demonstrating your understanding of the issues and commitment to CASA’s mission.

46. How do you see yourself contributing to CASA’s culture and mission in the long term?

Answer: I see myself not only as an advocate for children’s best interests but also as an active member of the CASA community, contributing to its culture of compassion, dedication, and resilience. In the long term, I hope to leverage my experiences to mentor new volunteers, share best practices, and possibly take on leadership roles to further CASA’s mission. By continuously learning and growing within the organisation, I aim to contribute to its ongoing efforts to protect and advocate for children, ensuring they have the support and opportunities they deserve.

Tip: Articulate a vision for your long-term involvement, highlighting your desire to grow with the organisation and contribute to its mission and community.

Questions to Ask the Interviewer

Questions to Ask the Interviewer

Asking thoughtful questions during a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) interview is an excellent opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their interest, engagement, and commitment to the organisation’s mission. These questions allow you to gain deeper insights into the role, the organisation’s culture, and how you can contribute to and grow within CASA. Below, we present four insightful questions you might consider asking at the end of your CASA interview, along with explanations on why these questions are meaningful and how they reflect your enthusiasm and proactive approach to becoming a CASA volunteer.

What do you find most rewarding about working with CASA, and what are some of the challenges you face?

Answer: One of the most rewarding aspects of working with CASA is seeing the tangible difference our volunteers make in the lives of children. Witnessing a child find a safe, permanent home or improve their situation significantly because of our advocacy is incredibly fulfilling. However, challenges include navigating the complexities of the legal and child welfare systems and dealing with the emotional weight of the cases. We strive to support our volunteers through these challenges with comprehensive training and a strong support network.

How does CASA measure the impact of its volunteers on the children and families it serves?

Answer: CASA measures the impact of its volunteers through a combination of qualitative and quantitative metrics. This includes tracking case outcomes, such as the achievement of stable placements for children, as well as feedback from children, families, and legal professionals on the effectiveness of our advocacy. We also assess volunteer satisfaction and retention as indicators of our program’s health and effectiveness. Continuous improvement is key to our approach.

Can you describe the support system in place for CASA volunteers, including training, supervision, and resources?

Answer: CASA provides a comprehensive support system for our volunteers. This starts with an initial training program that covers the legal system, child welfare knowledge, and advocacy skills. After training, volunteers are assigned a supervisor who provides ongoing support, guidance, and feedback. We also offer access to a resource library, professional development opportunities, and peer support groups to ensure our volunteers feel prepared and supported in their roles.

Looking forward, what are the organisation’s most critical goals, and how can volunteers contribute to achieving them?

Answer: Our critical goals include expanding our reach to support more children in the foster care system and enhancing our advocacy efforts to address the evolving needs of these children and their families. Volunteers contribute to these goals by providing dedicated, effective advocacy for each child they serve, participating in community outreach to raise awareness of our mission, and engaging in continuous learning to better meet the needs of the children we advocate for. Volunteers are at the heart of our mission and are essential to achieving our goals.


In preparing for a CASA interview, remember to focus on sharing your experiences and skills that show you can support and advocate for children effectively. Practice answering different types of questions, especially those about your behavior in certain situations, your technical skills, and how you fit with CASA’s mission. It’s also smart to think of good questions to ask the interviewer to show your interest. Keep learning and getting better at what you do, because the more you practice and learn, the more ready you’ll be to make a positive difference as a CASA volunteer.

About the Author: Gulrukh Chaudhary

Gulrukh Chaudhary, an accomplished digital marketer and technology writer with a passion for exploring the frontiers of innovation. Armed with a Master's degree in Information Technology, Gulrukh seamlessly blends her technical prowess with her creative flair, resulting in captivating insights into the world of emerging technologies. Discover more about her on her LinkedIn profile.

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