How to Cook T-bone Steak?

Published on Nov 17, 2023 by


Among the meat, I love bone-in meat such as spare ribs, chicken wings, and bone-in ribs. The area around the bones is delicious and delicious, the appearance is wild, and the response to eating is outstanding. Among such bone-in meat, beef T-bone steak is one of the strongest parts with high greed, with fillets and sirloins lined up on the left and right. This time, I simply baked such a wonderful T-bone steak.


Serving’s ・ T-bone steak meat (American beef) approx. 550 g

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Cooking oil Appropriate amount
  • Slightly rock salt
  • Slightly black pepper

How to make

  • Remove the T-bone steak meat from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature for about 2 hours to return it to room temperature. Just before baking, sprinkle salt evenly and rub lightly.
  • When the grill pan is heated sufficiently over high heat, change it to low heat, apply a thin coat of salad oil with a brush, and then put the T-bone steak meat on it. After baking for 5 minutes on each side, take it out to the pad, cover it with aluminum foil, and let it rest for about 10 minutes.
  • Wipe off the dirt with kitchen paper on the grill pan, heat it sufficiently over high heat, apply a thin coat of salad oil with a brush, and then bake it on high heat for 2 minutes on each side to make a grill.
  • Transfer to a cutting board, let rest for 5 minutes, cut the meat along the bones and cut into pieces that are easy to eat. Sprinkle with rock salt and black pepper to finish.

The degree of baking depends on your taste, but I like the medium rare state where the surface is fragrant and the inside is slightly red. I want to cut the freshly baked food immediately, but if you wait for a while, the gravy inside will settle down and be delicious, and even if it cools down a little, the deliciousness will continue to some extent, so you can enjoy it slowly with sake.

About the Author: Hamza Sarfraz

Hamza Sarfraz is a seasoned SEO and digital marketing expert based in Pakistan with 4 years of experience. Specializing in technology and health, he has a knack for simplifying complex topics into compelling narratives. Leveraging deep SEO insights, Hamza consistently delivers high-quality content that resonates with audiences and adds value to businesses. Discover more about him on his LinkedIn profile.

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