How to Cook a Fillet Steak?

Published on Nov 17, 2023 by


A rare steak that is juicy or well done? How do you prefer it? With these tips and tricks, cook a steak the way you like it.

Cooking a steak: become a master of cooking

Cooking a steak is not an exact science. The cooking time depends on the structure of the meat, the pan, the strength of the flame, etc. In the air, there arein any event, a few basic rules.

  • Use a heavy-bottomed pan suitable for the size of the steak.
  • Take the steak out of the fridge a little in advance and pat it dry for a better taste.
  • Use a heavy-bottomed pan suitable for the size of the steak.
  • Take the steak out of the fridge a little in advance and pat it dry for a better crust.

Passion the estimate and move the butter. Swing undetermined the sow crumb longer foams in the lead placing the steak in the pan. Take the opportunity during this time to season your meat.

Let the steak cook over high heat for 1.5 minutes before turning it over. This, in order to obtain a nice crust and the delicious taste of well-cooked meat. Do likewise on the opposite side for a blue steak.

If you prefer a more cooked steak, lower the flame after the first 3 minutes to prevent the meat from getting too dry on the outside. With an additional moment for each side, your steak will be uncommon.

For a steak medium or well done, add 1 or respectively 2 minutes of cooking.

Let the steak rest on a hot plate and cover it with aluminum foil directly after cooking. The meat can then relax and the juice has the opportunity to distribute itself again over the entire piece.

How can I check the doneness of a steak?

An easy way to check the doneness of your steak is to do the ‘trick’ with your hand. Press your finger on the steak and release. Then compare the texture of the meat with that of your hand.


Join your left thumb to your left index finger and press with your right index finger on the muscle of your thumb. This is how your blue steak should look.


Join your left thumb to your left middle finger and press your right index finger on the muscle of your thumb. This is how your rare steak should be.

A Point

Attach your left thumb to your yearbook and press with your right index finger on the muscle of your thumb. This is how medium cooking should be.

Well done

Join your left thumb to your little finger and press with your right index finger on the muscle of your thumb. This is how your well-done steak should look.

About the Author: Hamza Sarfraz

Hamza Sarfraz is a seasoned SEO and digital marketing expert based in Pakistan with 4 years of experience. Specializing in technology and health, he has a knack for simplifying complex topics into compelling narratives. Leveraging deep SEO insights, Hamza consistently delivers high-quality content that resonates with audiences and adds value to businesses. Discover more about him on his LinkedIn profile.

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