How to Cook Green Beans

Published on Nov 17, 2023 by


Cook Green Beans


  • 4 PEOPLE
  • Difficult: very easy
  • Cooking time: 20 mins
  • Preparation time 15 mins
  • Coast: Cheap


  • 500 g Extra fine green beans
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 8 slices smoked bacon
  • 1 Chicken bouillon cube
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Calories = Medium

Preparation steps

  1. Hull and wash the green beans. Peel the garlic clove. Cut the bacon into strips.
  2. In a saucepan, bring 1 litre of water to a boil with the chicken bouillon cube, garlic, salt and pepper. Dip the green beans in and cook for 10 minutes so that they are still crunchy.
  3. Drain the beans and discard the garlic. Make bundles of 12 to 15 beans by surrounding them with strips of bacon. Hold with a wooden pick.
  4. Heat them in a greased pan, until the bacon is crisp. Serve immediately.

How to cook green beans?

Among green vegetables, green beans have generally excellent nourishing characteristics. Rich in fibre, minerals and trace elements, it can be enjoyed as hot or cold, in multiple recipes. From June to August, pick a firm, fine new green beans with a decent uniform green tone. Wash and frame them prior to cooking them as indicated by the picked cooking strategy: steam, bubbling water, pressure cooker or skillet. Also, in the slow time of year, settle on lovely solidified green beans. Freezing is very simple: blanch them for 6 minutes in boiling water before placing them in the freezer.

Steaming green beans

You can easily steam your green beans, thus preserving all their nutritional qualities. Wash them all together in clean water and afterwards frame them. Do not hesitate to break them in half if they are not extra fresh, to remove any threads. Spot them in the steam bushel of your liner. Add the vital water to the steam in the proper compartment at that point heat. Permit 35 minutes of cooking time for 500 g of new green beans. When cooked, dip the green beans in a bowl of ice water. This will preserve their green colour while stopping cooking.

Cooking green beans in water

You can also cook green beans in boiling water. After washing and hulling them, boil a large volume of salted water in a casserole dish or large saucepan. At the first broth, throw in the fresh green beans. At that point cook for 12 minutes in the event that you need marginally firm green beans. Allow 15 minutes for them to be tender. Don’t hesitate to bite into a bean during cooking to obtain the desired texture. Toward the finish of cooking, channel the green beans and wash them in cool water to fix their green tone. Then eat your green beans as you wish, simply hot with a knob of butter or as a salad with sundried tomatoes, chopped garlic and a dash of balsamic vinegar.

Cooking green beans in a pressure cooker

If you don’t have a steamer, you can steam your green beans, in your pressure cooker or pressure cooker, with a few herbs that will delicately flavour them. Wash the vegetables, hull them and break them in half to remove the threads. At that point place them in the liner container of the meal dish. Add a little garlic and chopped onions as well as diced tomatoes. Add salt and pepper. Pour a little water in the pressure cooker, cover it and lock it. Heat over high heat until steam escapes. Then allow 10 minutes of cooking, lowering the heat before releasing the pressure. Enjoy your green beans immediately with a little chopped fresh basil.


About the Author: Meghan O'Gieblyn

Meghan O'Gieblyn is a dynamic and insightful author, celebrated for her unique blend of narrative storytelling and thoughtful analysis. Her writings often explore the intersections of culture, technology, and philosophy, reflecting a deep curiosity about the modern world. Meghan's essays and articles have graced the pages of various prestigious magazines and literary journals, earning her a reputation for eloquent prose and compelling perspectives.

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