How to cook bean sprouts?

Published on Nov 17, 2023 by


Known and used in the East since ancient times, soybean sprouts are the small seedlings of the homonymous legume.

This food can be considered a real natural food supplement, thanks to the many benefits that the body derives from it through its consumption.

In fact, taking bean sprouts helps improve blood thinning and elasticity of the arteries, two extremely important functions for the health of our heart. Even when it comes to osteoporosis these sprouts are indispensable, taking them in fact activates the proteins responsible for the absorption of vitamin D, the vitamin necessary for strengthening bones. Another fundamental aspect linked to soybeans is that of its many fibers and the positive function it has on accelerating the metabolism, essential for weight loss.

More recent is the discovery of its anti-cancer properties. Until 2013, soy was practically not recommended for those who underwent anti-cancer treatments; in fact, it was thought that it would counteract its effects.

How to clean bean sprouts?

Generally, bean sprouts are washed with cold water and bicarbonate. Apparently, this system is not sufficient enough to remove the bacterial loads that usually affect the most current cultivation methods.

The most effective way to clean bean sprouts would seem to be by cooking them, by tossing them in a pan or boiling them in a pot.

In Germany, with the raw consumption of these sprouts, there was one of the food infections with the highest number of victims: about 4 thousand people were affected by severe E. coli and 50 even died.

How to cook bean sprouts?

Used as a vegetable, bean sprouts are one of the basic ingredients of the more traditional dishes of oriental cuisine. They are used in the preparation of appetizers, such as in Chinese ravioli, in that of first courses, as in the case of rice noodles with vegetables, but also as an accompaniment to meat dishes, in fact, pork with sprouts is very tasty. Soy.

In Italy, soybean sprouts are mainly used for the preparation of delicious salads, but they can be used in many other recipes. In fact, it is possible to use them as a condiment for pasta, combining them in a pan with tasty cherry tomatoes, as a filling for particular omelets, or as a simple side dish, tossing them in a pan with a little oil and salt.

However, as explained above, it is very important to avoid the consumption of raw bean sprouts. It is therefore essential to first bring them to the table, toss them in a pan or boil them in a pot full of water.

Here’s how to do it:

Sautéed Bean Sprouts

Preparing the sautéed bean sprouts is really very simple and fast but to do it best it is preferable to use the wok.

Step 1: Wash the bean sprouts several times with plenty of cold water.

Step 2: Heat some oil in the wok, then add the sprouts and cook for about 2 minutes.

Step 3: Also add the soy sauce and let it cook for another couple of minutes.

Step 4: Now add half a glass of water and continue cooking for 10 minutes.

Tip: You can use soy oil instead of classic oil.

Important: When using soy sauce, it is absolutely not necessary to add salt.

Boiled Soybeans

Boiled bean sprouts can be consumed in many ways, the important thing is not to cook them for a long time to leave them crunchy.

Step 1: Fill a pot of water with a little salt and bring to a boil.

Step 2: Now add the bean sprouts and cook for about 2 minutes.

Step 3: Once drained, use them as you see fit.

How to store bean sprouts?

The bean sprouts should be stored in the refrigerator, in a food container, or in a large bowl. Being very delicate and easily susceptible to bacterial attacks, it is very important to be sure to keep them in clean bowls or containers.

To store them, use an airtight container lined with parchment paper, or absorbent paper, and places the soybeans on top. Close the lid and put in the refrigerator.

Alternatively, you can put them in a bowl by covering them with water. Add lemon slices to keep them longer and place them in the fridge.


About the Author: Meghan O'Gieblyn

Meghan O'Gieblyn is a dynamic and insightful author, celebrated for her unique blend of narrative storytelling and thoughtful analysis. Her writings often explore the intersections of culture, technology, and philosophy, reflecting a deep curiosity about the modern world. Meghan's essays and articles have graced the pages of various prestigious magazines and literary journals, earning her a reputation for eloquent prose and compelling perspectives.

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