The Benjamin Sisters Biography, Names, songs, and Singing style

Published on Nov 17, 2023 by


The Benjamin Sisters

The Benjamin Sisters are a Pakistani singing gathering of three sisters, Nerissa, Beena, and Shabana Benjamin. They were acquainted with Pakistani showbiz by an outstanding Pakistani sitar player Javed Allah Ditta.

The singing style of the Benjamin Sisters

Generally, they sang in ensembles singing together in exhibitions on Pakistan Television in the last part of the 1970s and mid-1980s. They accomplished monstrous notoriety in Pakistan and adjoined North India in what started to be alluded to as the Benjamin Sisters Phenomenon. They were acquainted with showbiz by Javed Allah Ditta, a prominent sitar player.

 Victor Benjamin, their dad, a capable player of the xylophone, urged his little girls to sing. They, at that point, joined the Sunday School ensemble at The Christ Church – this was all the melodic preparing that they had received. The Benjamin Sisters initially partook in different music learning programs broadcasted on Pakistan Television from 1968 to 1987. These projects were led by Sohail Rana, a conspicuous music head of Pakistan, and they were pointed toward teaching kids about music.

The sisters typically sang Punjabi and Urdu melodies, and would in general, at first give new renderings of tunes sung by different specialists instead of building up their material. This was somewhat because the sisters first showed up in the TV syndicated program Silver Jubilee (1983). Old artistes were frequently the welcomed visitors whose melodies the sisters would proceed as recognition for them. The three sisters sang in a synchronized manner, in a “solitary voice.”

The sisters later accomplished further notoriety after the arrival of the enthusiastic public tunes of Pakistan, for example, the Iss parcham kay saye taley, murmur ek hain, Ay roohe quaid aaj ke noise ham tujh sey wada kartey hain, Khayal rakhna khayal rakhna, and so on which they sang during the 1980s.

The Benjamin Sisters belong to the Pakistani Christian Community.

In the year 1987, one of the three sisters, Nerissa, got hitched, and the Benjamin Sisters Group disbanded at the pinnacle of their popularity. As of November 2011, Nerissa instructs at St. Patrick’s High School in Karachi, and Beena functions as a voiceover craftsman and a VJ. Though, Shabana Kenneth is a housewife. Nerissa has two children and one girl (Melissa, Chris, and Ashlin), while Beena has been honoured with a little girl (Alysia). Shabana has two children and a little girl also (Sherwin, Victor, and Mary).

About the Author: Divya Bhati

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